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Titus the Fox

Platform Titus the Fox 1

No permission to buy ($9.99)
Release Year
Titus France
Titus France
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Your girlfriend Suzy has been abducted, and taken to Marakech on the other side of the desert . You will have to fight your way through 15 levels filled with enemies, You can throw objects to disable the enemies, avoid them by jumping over them, and some can be picked up and themselves become throwable.

Some of the objects can also be stacked on one another, allowing you to reach platforms that otherwise would be unreachable. Little lock icons indicate saving points to start from (rather than all the way back at the start of the level), while a little oil lamp will provide the password to the level.

Most objects disappear whenever thrown, but some "stay", meaning they can be used against enemies repeatedly. Others, like the skateboard, when Titus is on it, can act as battering rams to clear multiple enemies.

As in most platform games, Titus can use secret passageways and entrances as shortcuts or to gain additional energy.

Cursor keys - Move / Jump / Duck
[SPACE] - Throw an object
[DOWN] + [SPACE] - Pick up or place an object
[DOWN] (while holding) - Fall trough an object Titus is on top of / Enter passage

[F1] - Lose a life
[F2] - Game over
[F3] - Toggle sound
[F4] - Toggle status screen (can be used to pause the game)

Level Codes:
Level 01 - On the foxy trail: E1AB
Level 02 - Looking for clues:
Level 03 - Road works ahead: C357
Level 04 - Going underground: 86AF
Level 05 - Flaming catacombes: 0D5F
Level 06 - Coming to town: 1ABE
Level 07 - Foxys den: 357C
Level 08 - On the road to Marrakesh: 6AF8
Level 09 - Home of the pharaohs: D5F0
Level 10 - Desert experience: ABE1
Level 11 - Walls of sand: 57C3
Level 12 - A beacon of hope: 5F0D
Level 13 - A pipe dream: BE1A
Level 14 - Going home: F86A

If you run TITF_TRN.exe prior to running FFC.exe, you'll have unlimited lives.

If you are after additional hints, walkthroughs, or want to find out all the different secret areas, the guys at ttf.mine.eu have got you covered!
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