• GamersCreed hosts games out of love for the creative efforts by their developers and publishers in days long gone. We do our very best to ensure that the titles we provide are not for sale elsewhere. If they are, we simply point our users to the places the games can be purchased. Should you be or represent the copyright holder of any games hosted here, and find that GamersCreed somehow is in violation of your rights, please contact us and we will happily remove the title(s).
Release Year
Renegade Software / MindScape
The Bitmap Brothers
The citadel of the Gods has been claimed by 4 guardians. This, of course, is not what the Gods desire, so they offer to grant a single wish to anyone who can reclaim their citadel. The hero steps up, demanding to be granted a place amongst the gods. Begrudingly the Gods agree, but secretly they hope the hero will fail.

The game itself is a typical Bitmap Brothers game, with lots of hidden areas, and a shop where the hero can equip himself with ever deadlier weapons and protective gear. Maneuvering from platform to platform, you will have to kill and evade monsters, flip switches or push special stones to disable traps, trapdoors, or hazardously placed spikes, to finally reach a level boss.

Most bosses have weaknesses that can be exploited with items obtained while questing.

The Temple: YOL
The Labyrinth: BXI
The Underworld: HVG
  • Gods - Reference Card.pdf
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  • Manual - Gods.pdf
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  • Gods - 001.png
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  • Gods - 009.png
    Gods - 009.png
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    Gods - 0014.png
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